Being part of the "body" of Mother Africa, Zanzibar is obviously also polarized by the stereotypical preconceptions about the giant continent: malaria, yellow fever, poverty, lack of water, insecurity, "banana republic", and the list can go on.
But the reality is different.

In this article, we will dismantle all the myths and false information about Zanzibar that circulate online or from hearsay, so that you can get a real picture of the exotic island you are probably planning to visit.

As far as diseases are concerned, malaria and yellow fever take center stage as scaremongers.
In the last 10 years, Zanzibar has kept the percentage of malaria cases below 1%, aiming for the total eradication of the phenomenon, which, in other countries in continental Africa, still represents a problem. You can read more details about the phenomenon of malaria and how Zanzibar represents an example in combating it in this article.
Since I moved to Zanzibar, I have interacted with over 4,000 guests, I have met hundreds of people (locals, tourists or expats living here) but I have never heard of a single case of malaria.

Regarding yellow fever, we have the same situation. Tanzania, as well as Zanzibar, represent countries with a very low risk of yellow fever. There are 2 countries around Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda where yellow fever represents a high risk. At the same time, all citizens who come from countries where this disease is a risk must get the yellow fever vaccine 10 days before entering the country. Europeans do not have to take this vaccine to enter Zanzibar or Tanzania as long as they do not pass through the countries marked with yellow and stay there for more than 24 hours.

There is no vaccine for malaria. The method of protection used is prophylaxis based on pills with hydroxychloroquine sulfate such as Plaquenil. These can be purchased from pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor specializing in tropical diseases and must be taken a few days before going on vacation, as well as after you have returned. Their impact on the liver and kidneys is quite large, as a result, weigh the decision well before taking them. The list of contraindications is quite long and bushy and the risk is extremely low in contracting such a disease in Zanzibar.
Regarding yellow fever, if you intend to travel to other countries in Africa where this disease represents a high risk, you can get the vaccine that will ensure long-term protection. This must be done 10 days before entering the country you intend to visit.


To enter Zanzibar, you do not need a vaccine against yellow fever, and for malaria, since there is no vaccine, you can opt to do prophylaxis if you feel this is necessary for your mental comfort.
Mosquitoes appear in Zanzibar in the evening, after 18:00, when the sun sets. To protect yourself from unpleasant stings, you can use mosquito repellent, which we recommend you come equipped with from home.

Dangerous animals and insects

Even if Zanzibar is located at 6-7 degrees latitude South of the Equator, in a tropical climate, we can consider ourselves lucky. There are no dangerous animals, reptiles or insects here, such as snakes, spiders and other poisonous creatures that can endanger your health or life, so don't worry. At most you will see a gecko lizard on a wall that gets rid of mosquitoes or other unwanted insects.

Security on island

Zanzibar is a safe island. On the MFA website, not long ago, there were a series of general guidelines that were copy-pasted for all African states.
The African continent is large and diverse. Not all countries in Africa have terrorist attacks or guerrilla groups that kidnap people. In Nigeria, Mali, South Sudan or Congo, yes, it is quite risky, and usually tourism there is done with armed bodyguards who accompany you all the time you are outside the hotel, but this is not the case in Zanzibar or Tanzania. According to statistics, Tanzania is the safest country in East Africa, and Zanzibar even more so. Being an island that is massively dependent on tourism, it is clearly understood at all levels of the authorities the need for safety to be a priority.
There is, of course, small-scale crime, as there is in all places on this Earth. Scammers or "scams", thefts of phones or other objects in the evening at clubs and parties, but as long as you follow our advice during your stay, there is little chance of you experiencing anything like this.
White House pages and clients' belongings are guarded 24/7.
A standard travel insurance that covers both theft and loss of luggage and other unforeseen events wherever and whenever we travel is always welcome.


In terms of health, the most common thing encountered are stomach/belly problems due to food. Even if we advise our guests not to eat street food or other local specialties on the side of the road, it still happens, as in any vacation. As a result, as in any properly organised vacation, a few essential things should not be missing from the luggage, such as medicines for various pains (stomach, head, general) and antihistamines for various allergies or other specific treatments (if you follow such a thing).
If there are situations where medical assistance is required, there is a private clinic.

As long as you have a standard travel insurance, if you happen to need medical services, everything is done in a civilised manner at the Med Express clinic, as in Europe, with medical services that I have not seen in some hospitals in Romania, with an invoice, the money paid will be recovered from the insurance company without problems.

Co-founder ZanziBarista

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